The ABDR Knowledge Test…
To protect your health we want to check what you’ve learned. If you watched the video this test will be super easy. Read carefully, the correct answer is the best answer to each question! For incentive, your cost for pills will go down and keep going down the more questions you get right. So flex your knowledge here and save. Btw, if you miss more than 3 questions you won’t be able to buy pills. Sorry.
Lets begin..
1) Worldwide, how many pregnancies around the World are unplanned?
2) Which one is NOT a common sign of pregnancy…
3) Pregnancy tests are commonly availble at…
4) Is it a good idea to take a pregnancy test before attempting an abortion with pills?
5) How many Women have an abortion in their lifetime?
6) What's a good way to estimate the length of your pregnancy?
7) What is the max # of weeks pregnant you can be to buy pills from
8) The # of Women who safely end a pregnancy each year is?
9) An abortion with pills…
10) What are the medications used for abortion?
11) After taking abortion pills most Women have bleeding and cramping like a heavy menstrual period.
12) When instructions are followed the rate of success for an abortion with pills is…
13) Complications from attempting an abortion at home with pills is extremely rare…
14) An abortion with pills works more often for…
15) An abortion with pills is less effective for Women who…
16) The dosage required for an abortion with pills depends on your age and weight?
17) Ectopic Pregnancies are…
18) What is an ectopic pregnancy?
19) If you have an IUD in place…
20) Which is the correct pain killer to relieve cramps during abortion?
21) How soon will you begin bleeding & cramping after taking the abortion pills?
22) What will you experience during an abortion with pills?
23) Within 24hrs after taking Misoprostol bleeding & cramping should begin to decrease.
24) What are some things to have on hand during the abortion process?
25) How often do complications occur after an abortion with pills?
26) You should seek emergency medical care after an abortion with pills when…
27) If you have very little or no bleeding 3 days after taking the pills…
28) When seeking medical care after taking abortion pills…
29) After an abortion with pills, how do you know it worked?
30) A 2nd (urine) pregnancy test 3 to 4 weeks after abortion will confirm you're no longer pregnant?
31) Taking a pregnancy test less than 3 to 4 weeks after an abortion with pills may give you a false positive?
32) Do I need to see a Doctor after an abortion with pills?
33) If I still have light bleeding off and on for a month afterwards…
34) Can I get pregnant again right after an abortion with pills?
35) When will my menstrual cycle return to normal?
36) When can I have sex again?
37) Abortion with pills at home is…
38) The purpose of this test is…