How to Order...

Step 1: Lets review your Medical History.

Please do a pregnancy test! Your period could be delayed for reasons other than pregnancy. Do a pregnancy test first to be sure. A pregnancy test can be obtained at any local pharmacy, drugstore or your family Doctor. Tests are simple to do at home and you'll find out right away if your actually pregnant or not. Begin from the first day you missed your period and thereafter. Before this time, the level of hormones your body produces is too low to measure and this could give you a 'false negative' result.

Please do an ultrasound test! It is possible your pregnancy is further along than you think which can complicate the process for early termination of pregnancy. When you have the results come back here to order pills. Ultrasound tests are the second most commonly performed medical image scan after an X-ray for broken bones. They are commonly available, often covered by insurance and sometimes FREE. Just google "Free Ultrasound Test" + [name of your city] to learn more. Be careful of one thing: some so-called "Woman's Health Centers", who offer free ultrasounds, are actually Pro-Life religious centers (aka 'Fake Clinics') who may try to counsel or coerce you away from your decided objective. Advice: take the free ultrasound - ignore the propaganda.

Please refer to your ultrasound test results or call your medical provider to confirm you have a regular non-ectopic pregnancy inside the uterus. Return here when you learn the answer. Read here to learn more about ectopic pregnancies.

Please visit your Doctor and have the IUD removed. It's not safe, or even practical, to initiate a termination of pregancy with an IUD installed. The device itself would physically obstruct the process by preventing the expelling of tissue through the vagina. After you've had your IUD removed return here to order pills.

You are XX weeks pregnant.

You are beyond the limit for a safe termination of early pregnancy according to current healthcare standards. Please consult a local medical practioner or clinic for further assistance.

Your feelings are important. And its okay to feel whatever you're feeling, whether it be comfortable, confident, angry, trapped, doubtful, relieved, disappointed or any other feeling. Many women have one or more positive and negative feelings at the same time, for example: relieved, guilty, confused, selfish, stupid, scared, peaceful, afraid, happy, resolved, grieving, ashamed, irresponsible, sad, numb. It's also natural for your feelings to change over time. If you're concerned about the way you feel it's important to give yourself time. You can get support through Exhale’s free counseling service. They have a national textline that provides emotional support, resources and information. All texts are completely confidential and counselors offer support without judgment. If you’d prefer to call, Connect & Breathe’s confidential, toll-free talkline is available in the U.S. at 866-647-1764. Their talkline is staffed by trained volunteers, offering secular, unbiased information.

If you're not sure and unable to speak with a healthcare provider, we advise you talk about it with a good friend, a relative or another trusted adult. It's very important you make your own decision free from coercion or outside pressure. This is your life, your body and your future. If you’re not feeling okay emotionally you can get support through Exhale’s free counseling service. They have a national textline that provides emotional support, resources and information. All texts are completely confidential and counselors offer support without judgment. If you’d prefer to call, Connect & Breathe’s confidential, toll-free talkline is available in the U.S. at 866-647-1764. Their talkline is staffed by trained volunteers, offering secular, unbiased information. Come back here to order pills if you're 100% sure this is the best decision for you.

Although the chance for medical complications is small it's absolutely necessary for you to be within one hour of help should a problem arise. If emergency care is needed you can just tell the medical staff you think you're having a miscarriage. If you're not close, or can't relocate somewhere close, to a hospital or facility that can provide medical treatment for a miscarriage, you cannot continue with your request for pills.

It's not a good idea to go this alone. Once the process begins and bleeding starts try as best you can to have a partner, friend or a relative close by who knows about the treatment and who can help in case of complications. If you don't want to tell anyone about the treatment you can also tell someone near that you don't feel very well and ask them to check on you every 2 hours. Does that make sense?

An STI is a sexually transmitted infection such as Chlamydia or Gonorrhea. STIs can develop after unprotected sex or a rape occurs. If you have been raped we urge you to visit the emergency room at your local hospital to get help. They will test you for STIs and assist you in reporting it to the police.

STIs require treatment. Go to your Doctor for an exam and get the proper treatment. Abortions attempted with an STI infection increase the risk of an inflammation of the uterus and fallopian tubes. These kinds of inflammations are called a pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or Salpingitis or Adnexitis. Abortions are not safe for those who have STIs.

Abortion with medication can only be used when a woman has no serious illness. The mentioned diseases are extremely rare. If you haven't been told of them, you probably don't have them.

We cannot process your request for pills but depending on your illness, you may still be able to have an abortion via surgical treatment. Health services in your country can be found through

If you had a caesarean section, you have a slightly higher risk of heavy bleeding and it would be good to be close by the hospital when using the medicines.If you had more than one caesarean, and you are more than 12 weeks pregnant when you take the pills, you will have a very small increased risk of a having a rupture of the uterus (womb). This is a rare, but very dangerous complication and needs emergency treatment in a hospital. So if you have on-going and increasing pain while using the medicines or afterwards, you must go to the hospital immediately.

You have successfully completed the medical consult step. All that remains is the knowledge test to insure you understand the process for an abortion at home with pills. There are 38 questions all taken from the Video and our FAQs. Each is important to your health. Read carefully, the correct answer is the best answer. A perfect score will offer you the lowest cost to purchase pills. To achieve a passing grade you may answer no more than 3 questions incorrectly.

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