We respect your right to choose and understand your situation is urgent. Read thru our FAQs to understand your medical eligibility, the amount of time you have to decide and how to have a safe experience. Do your home work, be thoughtful & above all, make the decision that’s right for you.
The largest medical association in the country has declared it will take any necessary legal steps to protect patients and doctors that seek and administer reproductive health services — including abortion and contraception.
[Read Full Story]
2022: As reported by CNN, FoxNews and Yahoo
In the US, 43.8% are consistently "pro-choice", 14.8% are consistently "pro-life" while others have context-dependent views. Age, religiosity, and conservatism correlate negatively with abortion support. The strongest predictor of anti-abortion views is sexism and belief in traditional gender-roles.
[Read the Debate on Reddit]
[See Report by Pew Research Center]
Supreme Court justices hear and make oral arguments in Whole Women's Health v. Hellerstedt, the most important case on abortion access to be heard in two decades. The case challenged the constitutionality of a 2013 Texas law that requires physicians at abortion clinics to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals which are intentionally costly to implement
[Read the article in Cosmopolitan Magazine]
Former President Barack Obama applauded abortion-rights protesters and called for more people to join in. His comments come on the heels of nationwide protests following the 2022 leaked Supreme Court draft affecting the landmark abortion case Roe v Wade.
[Read the 2022 article on MSN.com]
Former Supreme Court judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg is seen in her 1993 confirmation hearing expressing her deeply felt support for abortion rights saying, in part, "When gov't controls that decision for her, she's being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for her own choices.."
[Read the full text and see Judge Ginsburg speak]